When apple & strawberry picking is so mainstream, we go for orange picking. This is a continuation from our previous post which took place in Indonesia. On our way from Parapat to Medan, we drove along Danao Toba Lake through a smaller route (which not known to tourist but quite famous to the locals).

After stopping by many beautiful viewing points we finally reached Bukit Indah Simarjarunjung. A few kilometres afterwards we came across huge orange farms.
Did you know that Indonesia grows their own orange? Well if you visit any restaurants in Indonesia, they'll surely be orange juice in the menu. We have always wondered where they got all the supply of orange, event far away restaurant also serve orange juice. On this trip we finally got the chance to visit their orange farms.

From far the orange farms look similar to apple farm. The trees are medium in size. The oranges are easily pluck by hand. There are 2 types of oranges; not sure of their names but there are 2 sizes of orange which both has its own sweet taste. Usually the bigger orange trees will be plant at the back of the farm while the smaller one shall be plant on the front side.
If you wish to experience orange picking, whenever you reach the orange farms area just look for this sign "PETIK SENDIRI" which mean you can pluck your own orange.
In front of every farm there'll be people selling oranges, you can buy the oranges from them or you can also ask to pick your own oranges at the farm. There is no charges for you to enter the farm but they'll only charge you for the oranges that you plucked.
The seller will give a plastic bag for you to use after plucking your own fresh oranges direct from the trees.
On each trees you'll find green & orange color of oranges. Make sure you pluck the ripe one which is orange in color, it'll taste sweeter when ripe.
We suggest you to go further back because too many people has plucked oranges from the front rows, thus, if you walk further back the fruits is more for you to choose.
Besides orange, you can also go for strawberry picking, but because we have experienced strawberry picking before, therefore we decided to skip it for this trip.
We've bought a lot of oranges and it taste so sweet. However, once we brought it back to Malaysia, it does not last long. Maybe because the difference in temperature. Sigh~
Alright, we have many more fun experiences in Indonesia and we'll update it from time to time.
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